부록 D. 커널 문서들

Juan-Mariano de Goyeneche jmseyas at dit.upm.es



제목: "The Linux Kernel"

지은이: David A. Rusling.

URL: http://www.linuxdoc.org/LDP/tlk/tlk.html

키워드: everything!, book.

설명: 거의 모든 면에서 리눅스 커널을

설명하는 200

페이지짜리 온라인문서. 초보자들이 가장 먼저 봐야할 레퍼런스일 듯. 그림을 많이 넣었으며, Richard W. Stevens 스타일의 간결한 문체로 데이터 구조와 관계에 대해

설명. 차례: "1.-Hardware Basics, 2.-Software Basics, 3.-Memory Management, 4.-Processes, 5.-Interprocess Communication Mechanisms, 6.-PCI, 7.-Interrupts and Interrupt Handling, 8.-Device Drivers, 9.-The File system, 10.-Networks, 11.-Kernel Mechanisms, 12.-Modules, 13.-The Linux Kernel Sources, A.-Linux Data Structures, B.-The Alpha AXP Processor, C.-Useful Web and FTP Sites, D.-The GNU General Public License, Glossary". In short: a must have.

제목: "The Linux Kernel Hackers' Guide"

지은이: Michael K.Johnson and others.

URL: http://www.linuxdoc.org/LDP/khg/HyperNews/get/khg.html

키워드: everything!

설명: 포스트스크립트 버전은 이제 없고, 오직 HTML만. 많은 이들이 이 문서를 함께 만들었는데, 마치 메일링 리스트를 보는 듯 함. 어떤 기사를 찾아서 메일로 그 전문을 요청할 수 있음. 무질서해 보이는 면도 없지 않지만 매우 귀중한 정보를 얻는 경우가 있음.

제목: "Conceptual Architecture of the Linux Kernel"

지은이: Ivan T. Bowman.

URL: http://plg.uwaterloo.ca/~itbowman/papers/CS746G-a1.html

키워드: conceptual software arquitecture, extracted design, reverse engineering, system structure.

설명: 리눅스 커널의 소프트웨어 아키텍쳐 개념, 소스코드로부터 자동적으로 추출함. 매우 상세함. 훌륭한 도면. 커널을 전반적으로 이해.

제목: "Concrete Architecture of the Linux Kernel"

지은이: Ivan T. Bowman, Saheem Siddiqi, and Meyer C. Tanuan.

URL: http://plg.uwaterloo.ca/~itbowman/papers/CS746G-a2.html

키워드: concrete arquitecture, extracted design, reverse engineering, system structure, dependencies.

설명: 리눅스 커널의 구체적인 아키텍쳐, 소스코드로부터 자동적으로 추출함. 매우 상세함. 훌륭한 도면. 커널을 전반적으로 이해. 파일, 변수 등 predecessor 보다는 lower details에 중점을 둠.

제목: "Linux as a Case Study: Its Extracted Software Architecture"

지은이: Ivan T. Bowman, Richard C. Holt and Neil V. Brewster.

URL: http://plg.uwaterloo.ca/~itbowman/papers/linuxcase.html

키워드: software architecture, architecture recovery, redocumentation.

설명: 위 두 문서의 짬뽕.

제목: "Overview of the Virtual File System"

지은이: Richard Gooch.

URL: http://www.atnf.csiro.au/~rgooch/linux/vfs.txt

키워드: VFS, File System, mounting filesystems, opening files, dentries, dcache.

설명: 리눅스 가상 파일 시스템을 간단하게

설명. 어떤 것이며, 무슨 일을 하는지, 파일을 열거나 파일 시스템을 마운트할 때 어찌 하는지, 그리고 각 엔트리마다 가진 목적을 보태서 주요 데이터 구조를


제목: "The Linux RAID-1, 4, 5 Code"

지은이: Ingo Molnar, Gadi Oxman and Miguel de Icaza.

URL: http://www2.linuxjournal.com/lj-issues/issue44/2391.html

키워드: RAID, MD driver.

설명: Linux Journal Kernel Korner article. Here is it's

초록: 리눅스 커널에 들어 있는 RAID-1, RAID-4, RAID-5 등 MD 디바이스 드라이버의 특성과 능력을

설명합니다. 높은 퍼포먼스, 신뢰성, 2차-저장장치 확장성 등..

제목: "Dynamic Kernels: Modularized Device Drivers"

지은이: Alessandro Rubini.

URL: http://www2.linuxjournal.com/lj-issues/issue23/1219.html

키워드: device driver, module, loading/unloading modules, allocating resources.

설명: Linux Journal Kernel Korner article. Here is it's

초록: This is the first of a series of four articles co-authored by Alessandro Rubini and Georg Zezchwitz which present a practical approach to writing Linux device drivers as kernel loadable modules. This installment presents an introduction to the topic, preparing the reader to understand next month's installment".

제목: "Dynamic Kernels: Discovery"

지은이: Alessandro Rubini.

URL: http://www2.linuxjournal.com/lj-issues/issue24/1220.html

키워드: character driver, init_module, clean_up module, autodetection, mayor number, minor number, file operations, open(), close().

설명: Linux Journal Kernel Korner article. Here is it's

초록: "This article, the second of four, introduces part of the actual code to create custom module implementing a character device driver. It describes the code for module initialization and cleanup, as well as the open() and close() system calls".

제목: "The Devil's in the Details"

지은이: Georg v. Zezschwitz and Alessandro Rubini.

URL: http://www2.linuxjournal.com/lj-issues/issue25/1221.html

키워드: read(), write(), select(), ioctl(), blocking/non blocking mode, interrupt handler.

설명: Linux Journal Kernel Korner article. Here is it's

초록: "This article, the third of four on writing character device drivers, introduces concepts of reading, writing, and using ioctl-calls".

제목: "Dissecting Interrupts and Browsing DMA"

지은이: Alessandro Rubini and Georg v. Zezschwitz.

URL: http://www2.linuxjournal.com/lj-issues/issue26/1222.html

키워드: interrupts, irqs, DMA, bottom halves, task queues.

설명: Linux Journal Kernel Korner article. Here is it's

초록: "This is the fourth in a series of articles about writing character device drivers as loadable kernel modules. This month, we further investigate the field of interrupt handling. Though it is conceptually simple, practical limitations and constraints make this an ``interesting'' part of device driver writing, and several different facilities have been provided for different situations. We also investigate the complex topic of DMA".

제목: "Device Drivers Concluded"

지은이: Georg v. Zezschwitz.

URL: http://www2.linuxjournal.com/lj-issues/issue28/1287.html

키워드: address spaces,

페이지s, pagination,

페이지 management, demand loading, swapping, memory protection, memory mapping, mmap, virtual memory areas (VMAs), vremap, PCI.

설명: Finally, the above turned out into a five articles series. This latest one's introduction reads: "This is the last of five articles about character device drivers. In this final section, Georg deals with memory mapping devices, beginning with an overall description of the Linux memory management concepts".

제목: "Network Buffers And Memory Management"

지은이: Alan Cox.

URL: http://www2.linuxjournal.com/lj-issues/issue30/1312.html

키워드: sk_buffs, network devices, protocol/link layer variables, network devices flags, transmit, receive, configuration, multicast.

설명: Linux Journal Kernel Korner. Here is the

초록: "Writing a network device driver for Linux is fundamentally simple---most of the complexity (other than talking to the hardware) involves managing network packets in memory".

제목: "Writing Linux Device Drivers"

지은이: Michael K. Johnson.

URL: http://people.redhat.com/johnsonm/devices.html

키워드: files, VFS, file operations, kernel interface, character vs block devices, I/O access, hardware interrupts, DMA, access to user memory, memory allocation, timers.

설명: Introductory 50-minutes (sic) tutorial on writing device drivers. 12

페이지s written by the same author of the "Kernel Hackers' Guide" which give a very good overview of the topic.

제목: "The Venus kernel interface"

지은이: Peter J. Braam.

URL: http://www.coda.cs.cmu.edu/doc/html/kernel-venus-protocol.html

키워드: coda, filesystem, venus, cache manager.

설명: "This document describes the communication between Venus and kernel level file system code needed for the operation of the Coda filesystem. This version document is meant to describe the current interface (version 1.0) as well as improvements we envisage".

제목: "Programming PCI-Devices under Linux"

지은이: Claus Schroeter.

URL: ftp://ftp.llp.fu-berlin.de/pub/linux/LINUX-LAB/whitepapers/pcip.ps .gz

키워드: PCI, device, busmastering.

설명: 6

페이지s tutorial on PCI programming under Linux. Gives the basic concepts on the architecture of the PCI subsystem, as long as basic functions and macros to read/write the devices and perform busmastering.

제목: "Writing Character Device Driver for Linux"

지은이: R. Baruch and C. Schroeter.

URL: ftp://ftp.llp.fu-berlin.de/pub/linux/LINUX-LAB/whitepapers/drivers .ps.gz

키워드: character device drivers, I/O, signals, DMA, accessing ports in user space, kernel environment.

설명: 68

페이지s paper on writing character drivers. A little bit old (1.993, 1.994) although still useful.

제목: "Design and Implementation of the Second Extended Filesystem"

지은이: R勖y Card, Theodore Ts'o, Stephen Tweedie.

URL: http://web.mit.edu/tytso/www/linux/ext2intro.html

키워드: ext2, linux fs history, inode, directory, link, devices, VFS, physical structure, performance, benchmarks, ext2fs library, ext2fs tools, e2fsck.

설명: Paper written by three of the top ext2 hackers. Covers Linux filesystems history, ext2 motivation, ext2 features, design, physical structure on disk, performance, benchmarks, e2fsck's passes description... A must read! Notes: This paper was first published in the Proceedings of the First Dutch International Symposium on Linux, ISBN 90-367-0385-9.

제목: "Analysis of the Ext2fs structure"

지은이: Louis-Dominique Dubeau.

URL: http://step.polymtl.ca/~ldd/ext2fs/ext2fs_toc.html

키워드: ext2, filesystem, ext2fs.


설명 of ext2's blocks, directories, inodes, bitmaps, invariants...

제목: "Journaling the Linux ext2fs Filesystem"

지은이: Stephen C. Tweedie.

URL: ftp://ftp.uk.linux.org/pub/linux/sct/fs/jfs/journal-design.ps.gz

키워드: ext3, journaling.

설명: Excellent 8-

페이지s paper explaining the journaling capabilities added to ext2 by the author, showing different problems faced and the alternatives chosen.

제목: "Kernel API changes from 2.0 to 2.2"

지은이: Richard Gooch.

URL: http://www.atnf.csiro.au/~rgooch/linux/docs/porting-to-2.2.html

키워드: 2.2, changes.

설명: Kernel functions/structures/variables which changed from 2.0.x to 2.2.x.

제목: "Kernel API changes from 2.2 to 2.4"

지은이: Richard Gooch.

URL: http://www.atnf.csiro.au/~rgooch/linux/docs/porting-to-2.4.html

키워드: 2.4, changes.

설명: Kernel functions/structures/variables which changed from 2.2.x to 2.4.x.

제목: "Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide"

지은이: Ori Pomerantz.

URL: http://www.linuxdoc.org/LDP/lkmpg/mpg.html

키워드: modules, GPL book, /proc, ioctls, system calls, interrupt handlers .

설명: Very nice 92

페이지s GPL book on the topic of modules programming. Lots of examples.

제목: "Device File System (devfs) Overview"

지은이: Richard Gooch.

URL: http://www.atnf.csiro.au/~rgooch/linux/docs/devfs.txt

키워드: filesystem, /dev, devfs, dynamic devices, major/minor allocation, device management.

설명: Document describing Richard Gooch's controversial devfs, which allows for dynamic devices, only shows present devices in /dev, gets rid of major/minor numbers allocation problems, and allows for hundreds of identical devices (which some USB systems might demand soon).

제목: "I/O Event Handling Under Linux"

지은이: Richard Gooch.

URL: http://www.atnf.csiro.au/~rgooch/linux/docs/io-events.html

키워드: IO, I/O, select(2), poll(2), FDs, aio_read(2), readiness event queues.

설명: From the Introduction: "I/O Event handling is about how your Operating System allows you to manage a large number of open files (file descriptors in UNIX/POSIX, or FDs) in your application. You want the OS to notify you when FDs become active (have data ready to be read or are ready for writing). Ideally you want a mechanism that is scalable. This means a large number of inactive FDs cost very little in memory and CPU time to manage".

제목: "The Kernel Hacking HOWTO"

지은이: Various Talented People, and Rusty.

URL: http://www.lisoleg.net/doc/Kernel-Hacking-HOWTO/kernel-hacking-HOW TO.html

키워드: HOWTO, kernel contexts, deadlock, locking, modules, symbols, return conventions.

설명: From the Introduction: "Please understand that I never wanted to write this document, being grossly underqualified, but I always wanted to read it, and this was the only way. I simply explain some best practices, and give reading entry-points into the kernel sources. I avoid implementation details: that's what the code is for, and I ignore whole tracts of useful routines. This document assumes familiarity with C, and an understanding of what the kernel is, and how it is used. It was originally written for the 2.3 kernels, but nearly all of it applies to 2.2 too; 2.0 is slightly different".

제목: "ALSA 0.5.0 Developer documentation"

지은이: Stephan 'Jumpy' Bartels .

URL: http://www.math.TU-Berlin.de/~sbartels/alsa/

키워드: ALSA, sound, soundcard, driver, lowlevel, hardware.

설명: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture for developers, both at kernel and user-level sides. Work in progress. ALSA is supposed to be Linux's next generation sound architecture.

제목: "Programming Guide for Linux USB Device Drivers"

지은이: Detlef Fliegl.

URL: http://usb.in.tum.de/usbdoc/

키워드: USB, universal serial bus.

설명: A must-read. From the Preface: "This document should give detailed information about the current state of the USB subsystem and its API for USB device drivers. The first section will deal with the basics of USB devices. You will learn about different types of devices and their properties. Going into detail you will see how USB devices communicate on the bus. The second section gives an overview of the Linux USB subsystem [2] and the device driver framework. Then the API and its data structures will be explained step by step. The last section of this document contains a reference of all API calls and their return codes". Notes: Beware: the main

페이지 states: "This document may not be published, printed or used in excerpts without explicit permission of the author". Fortunately, it may still be read...

제목: "Tour Of the Linux Kernel Source"

지은이: Vijo Cherian.

URL: http://www.geocities.com/vijoc/tolks/tolks.html

키워드: .

설명: A classic of this

페이지! Was lost for a while and is back again. Thanks Vijo! TOLKS: the name says it all. A tour of the sources, describing directories, files, variables, data structures... It covers general stuff, device drivers, filesystems, IPC and Networking Code.

제목: "Linux Kernel Mailing List Glossary"

지은이: John Levon.

URL: http://www.movement.uklinux.net/glossary.html

키워드: glossary, terms, linux-kernel.

설명: From the introduction: "This glossary is intended as a brief description of some of the acronyms and terms you may hear during discussion of the Linux kernel".

제목: "Linux Kernel Locking HOWTO"

지은이: Various Talented People, and Rusty.

URL: http://netfilter.kernelnotes.org/unreliable-guides/kernel-locking- HOWTO.html

키워드: locks, locking, spinlock, semaphore, atomic, race condition, bottom halves, tasklets, softirqs.

설명: The title says it all: document describing the locking system in the Linux Kernel either in uniprocessor or SMP systems. Notes: "It was originally written for the later (>2.3.47) 2.3 kernels, but most of it applies to 2.2 too; 2.0 is slightly different". Freely redistributable under the conditions of the GNU General Public License.

제목: "Porting Linux 2.0 Drivers To Linux 2.2: Changes and New Features "

지은이: Alan Cox.

URL: http://www.linux-mag.com/1999-05/gear_01.html

키워드: ports, porting.

설명: Article from Linux Magazine on porting from 2.0 to 2.2 kernels.

제목: "Porting Device Drivers To Linux 2.2: part II"

지은이: Alan Cox.

URL: http://www.linux-mag.com/1999-06/gear_01.html

키워드: ports, porting.

설명: Second part on porting from 2.0 to 2.2 kernels.

제목: "How To Make Sure Your Driver Will Work On The Power Macintosh"

지은이: Paul Mackerras.

URL: http://www.linux-mag.com/1999-07/gear_01.html

키워드: Mac, Power Macintosh, porting, drivers, compatibility.

설명: The title says it all.

제목: "An Introduction to SCSI Drivers"

지은이: Alan Cox.

URL: http://www.linux-mag.com/1999-08/gear_01.html

키워드: SCSI, device, driver.

설명: The title says it all.

제목: "Advanced SCSI Drivers And Other Tales"

지은이: Alan Cox.

URL: http://www.linux-mag.com/1999-09/gear_01.html

키워드: SCSI, device, driver, advanced.

설명: The title says it all.

제목: "Writing Linux Mouse Drivers"

지은이: Alan Cox.

URL: http://www.linux-mag.com/1999-10/gear_01.html

키워드: mouse, driver, gpm.

설명: The title says it all.

제목: "More on Mouse Drivers"

지은이: Alan Cox.

URL: http://www.linux-mag.com/1999-11/gear_01.html

키워드: mouse, driver, gpm, races, asynchronous I/O.

설명: The title still says it all.

제목: "Writing Video4linux Radio Driver"

지은이: Alan Cox.

URL: http://www.linux-mag.com/1999-12/gear_01.html

키워드: video4linux, driver, radio, radio devices.

설명: The title says it all.

제목: "Video4linux Drivers, Part 1: Video-Capture Device"

지은이: Alan Cox.

URL: http://www.linux-mag.com/2000-01/gear_01.html

키워드: video4linux, driver, video capture, capture devices, camera driver.

설명: The title says it all.

제목: "Video4linux Drivers, Part 2: Video-capture Devices"

지은이: Alan Cox.

URL: http://www.linux-mag.com/2000-02/gear_01.html

키워드: video4linux, driver, video capture, capture devices, camera driver, control, query capabilities, capability, facility.

설명: The title says it all.

제목: "PCI Management in Linux 2.2"

지은이: Alan Cox.

URL: http://www.linux-mag.com/2000-03/gear_01.html

키워드: PCI, bus, bus-mastering.

설명: The title says it all.

제목: "Linux 2.4 Kernel Internals"

지은이: Tigran Aivazian and Christoph Hellwig.

URL: http://www.moses.uklinux.net/patches/lki.html

키워드: Linux, kernel, booting, SMB boot, VFS,

페이지 cache.

설명: A little book used for a short training course. Covers building the kernel image, booting (including SMP bootup), process management, VFS and more.

제목: "Linux IP Networking. A Guide to the Implementation and Modification of the Linux Protocol Stack."

지은이: Glenn Herrin.

URL: http://kernelnewbies.org/documents/ipnetworking/linuxipnetworking. html

키워드: network, networking, protocol, IP, UDP, TCP, connection, socket, receiving, transmitting, forwarding, routing, packets, modules, /proc, sk_buff, FIB, tags.

설명: Excellent paper devoted to the Linux IP Networking, explaining anything from the kernel's to the user space configuration tools' code. Very good to get a general overview of the kernel networking implementation and understand all steps packets follow from the time they are received at the network device till they are delivered to applications. The studied kernel code is from 2.2.14 version. Provides code for a working packet dropper example.

제목: "Get those boards talking under Linux."

지은이: Alex Ivchenko.

URL: http://www.ednmag.com/ednmag/reg/2000/06222000/13df2.htm

키워드: data-acquisition boards, drivers, modules, interrupts, memory allocation.

설명: Article written for people wishing to make their data acquisition boards work on their GNU/Linux machines. Gives a basic overview on writting drivers, from the naming of functions to interrupt handling. Notes: Two-parts article. Part II is at http://www.ednmag.com/ednmag/reg/2000/07062000/14df.htm

제목: "Linux PCMCIA Programmer's Guide"

지은이: David Hinds.

URL: http://pcmcia-cs.sourceforge.net/ftp/doc/PCMCIA-PROG.html

키워드: PCMCIA.

설명: "This document describes how to write kernel device drivers for the Linux PCMCIA Card Services interface. It also describes how to write user-mode utilities for communicating with Card Services.

제목: "The Linux Kernel NFSD Implementation"

지은이: Neil Brown.

URL: http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~neilb/oss/linux-commentary/nfsd.html

키워드: knfsd, nfsd, NFS, RPC, lockd, mountd, statd.

설명: The title says it all. Notes: Covers knfsd's version 1.4.7 (patch against 2.2.7 kernel).

제목: "A Linux vm README"

지은이: Kanoj Sarcar.

URL: http://reality.sgi.com/kanoj_engr/vm229.html

키워드: virtual memory, mm, pgd, vma,


페이지 flags,

페이지 cache, swap cache, kswapd.

설명: Telegraphic, short descriptions and definitions relating the Linux virtual memory implementation.

제목: "(nearly) Complete Linux Loadable Kernel Modules. The definitive guide for hackers, virus coders and system administrators."

지은이: pragmatic/THC.

URL: http://packetstorm.securify.com/groups/thc/LKM_HACKING.html

키워드: syscalls, intercept, hide, abuse, symbol table.

설명: Interesting paper on how to abuse the Linux kernel in order to intercept and modify syscalls, make files/directories/processes invisible, become root, hijack ttys, write kernel modules based virus... and solutions for admins to avoid all those abuses. Notes: For 2.0.x kernels. Gives guidances to port it to 2.2.x kernels. Also available in txt format at http://www.blacknemesis.org/hacking/txt/cllkm.txt

BOOKS: (Not on-line)

제목: "Linux Device Drivers"

지은이: Alessandro Rubini. Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates. Date: 1998. Pages: 439. ISBN: 1-56592-292-1

제목: "Linux Device Drivers, 2nd Edition"

지은이: Alessandro Rubini and Jonathan Corbet. Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates. Date: 2001. Pages: 586. ISBN: 0-59600-008-1 Notes: Further information in http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/linuxdrive2/

제목: "Linux Kernel Internals"

지은이: Michael Beck. Publisher: Addison-Wesley. Date: 1997. ISBN: 0-201-33143-8 (second edition)

제목: "The Design of the UNIX Operating System"

지은이: Maurice J. Bach. Publisher: Prentice Hall. Date: 1986. Pages: 471. ISBN: 0-13-201757-1

제목: "The Design and Implementation of the 4.3 BSD UNIX Operating System"

지은이: Samuel J. Leffler, Marshall Kirk McKusick, Michael J. Karels, John S. Quarterman. Publisher: Addison-Wesley. Date: 1989 (reprinted with corrections on October, 1990). ISBN: 0-201-06196-1

제목: "The Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD UNIX Operating System"

지은이: Marshall Kirk McKusick, Keith Bostic, Michael J. Karels, John S. Quarterman. Publisher: Addison-Wesley. Date: 1996. ISBN: 0-201-54979-4

제목: "Programmation Linux 2.0 API systeme et fonctionnement du noyau"

지은이: Remy Card, Eric Dumas, Franck Mevel. Publisher: Eyrolles. Date: 1997. Pages: 520. ISBN: 2-212-08932-5 Notes: French.

제목: "The Linux Kernel Book"

지은이: Remy Card, Eric Dumas, Franck Mevel. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons. Date: 1998. ISBN: 0-471-98141-9 Notes: English translation.

제목: "Linux 2.0"

지은이: Remy Card, Eric Dumas, Franck Mevel. Publisher: Gesti菖 2000. Date: 1997. Pages: 501. ISBN: 8-480-88208-5 Notes: Spanish translation.

제목: "Unix internals -- the new frontiers"

지은이: Uresh Vahalia. Publisher: Prentice Hall. Date: 1996. Pages: 600. ISBN: 0-13-101908-2

제목: "Linux Core Kernel Commentary. Guide to Insider's Knowledge on the Core Kernel of the Linux Code"

지은이: Scott Maxwell. Publisher: Coriolis. Date: 1999. Pages: 592. ISBN: 1-57610-469-9 Notes: CD-ROM included. Line by line commentary of the kernel code.

제목: "Linux IP Stacks Commentary"

지은이: Stephen Satchell and HBJ Clifford. Publisher: Coriolis. Date: 2000. Pages: ???. ISBN: 1-57610-470-2 Notes: Line by line source code commentary book.

제목: "Programming for the real world - POSIX.4"

지은이: Bill O. Gallmeister. Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.. Date: 1995. Pages: ???. ISBN: I-56592-074-0 Notes: Though not being directly about Linux, Linux aims to be POSIX. Good reference.

제목: "Understanding the Linux Kernel"

지은이: Daniel P. Bovet and Marco Cesati. Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.. Date: 2000. Pages: 702. ISBN: 0-596-00002-2 Notes: Further information in http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/linuxkernel/


제목: linux/Documentation

지은이: Many.

URL: Just look inside your kernel sources.

키워드: anything, DocBook.

설명: Documentation that comes with the kernel sources, inside the Documentation directory. Some

페이지s from this document (including this document itself) have been moved there, and might be more up to date than the web version.

제목: "Linux Source Driver"

URL: http://lsd.linux.cz

키워드: Browsing source code.

설명: "Linux Source Driver (LSD) is an application, which can make browsing source codes of Linux kernel easier than you can imagine. You can select between multiple versions of kernel (e.g. 0.01, 1.0.0, 2.0.33, 2.0.34pre13, 2.0.0, 2.1.101 etc.). With LSD you can search Linux kernel (fulltext, macros, types, functions and variables) and LSD can generate patches for you on the fly (files, directories or kernel)".

제목: "Linux Kernel Source Reference"

지은이: Thomas Graichen.

URL: http://innominate.org/~graichen/projects/lksr/

키워드: CVS, web, cvsweb, browsing source code.

설명: Web interface to a CVS server with the kernel sources. "Here you can have a look at any file of the Linux kernel sources of any version starting from 1.0 up to the (daily updated) current version available. Also you can check the differences between two versions of a file".

제목: "Cross-Referencing Linux"

URL: http://lxr.linux.no/source/

키워드: Browsing source code.

설명: Another web-based Linux kernel source code browser. Lots of cross references to variables and functions. You can see where they are defined and where they are used.

제목: "Linux Weekly News"

URL: http://lwn.net

키워드: latest kernel news.

설명: The title says it all. There's a fixed kernel section summarizing developers' work, bug fixes, new features and versions produced during the week. Published every Thursday.

제목: "Kernel Traffic"

URL: http://kt.zork.net/kernel-traffic/

키워드: linux-kernel mailing list, weekly kernel news.

설명: Weekly newsletter covering the most relevant discussions of the linux-kernel mailing list.

제목: "CuTTiNG.eDGe.LiNuX"

URL: http://edge.kernelnotes.org

키워드: changelist.

설명: Site which provides the changelist for every kernel release. What's new, what's better, what's changed. Myrdraal reads the patches and describes them. Pointers to the patches are there, too.

제목: "New linux-kernel Mailing List FAQ"

URL: http://www.tux.org/lkml/

키워드: linux-kernel mailing list FAQ.

설명: linux-kernel is a mailing list for developers to communicate. This FAQ builds on the previous linux-kernel mailing list FAQ maintained by Frohwalt Egerer, who no longer maintains it. Read it to see how to join the mailing list. Dozens of interesting questions regarding the list, Linux, developers (who is ...?), terms (what is...?) are answered here too. Just read it.

제목: "Linux Virtual File System"

지은이: Peter J. Braam.

URL: http://www.coda.cs.cmu.edu/doc/talks/linuxvfs/

키워드: slides, VFS, inode, superblock, dentry, dcache.

설명: Set of slides, presumably from a presentation on the Linux VFS layer. Covers version 2.1.x, with dentries and the dcache.

제목: "Gary's Encyclopedia - The Linux Kernel"

지은이: Gary (I suppose...).

URL: http://members.aa.net/~swear/pedia/kernel.html

키워드: links, not found here?.

설명: Gary's Encyclopedia exists to allow the rapid finding of documentation and other information of interest to GNU/Linux users. It has about 4000 links to external

페이지s in 150 major categories. This link is for kernel-specific links, documents, sites... Look there if you could not find here what you were looking for.

제목: "The home

페이지 of Linux-MM"

지은이: The Linux-MM team.

URL: http://linux-mm.org/

키워드: memory management, Linux-MM, mm patches, TODO, docs, mailing list.

설명: Site devoted to Linux Memory Management development. Memory related patches, HOWTOs, links, mm developers... Don't miss it if you are interested in memory management development!

제목: "Kernel Newbies IRC Channel"

URL: http://www.kernelnewbies.org

키워드: IRC, newbies, channel, asking doubts.

설명: #kernelnewbies on irc.openprojects.net. From the web

페이지: "#kernelnewbies is an IRC network dedicated to the 'newbie' kernel hacker. The audience mostly consists of people who are learning about the kernel, working on kernel projects or professional kernel hackers that want to help less seasoned kernel people. [...] #kernelnewbies is on the Open Projects IRC Network, try irc.openprojects.net or irc.<country>.openprojects.net as your server and then /join #kernelnewbies". It also hosts articles, documents, FAQs...

제목: "linux-kernel mailing list archives and search engines"

URL: http://www.uwsg.indiana.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/index.html

URL: http://www.kernelnotes.org/lnxlists/linux-kernel/

URL: http://www.geocrawler.com

키워드: linux-kernel, archives, search.

설명: Some of the linux-kernel mailing list archivers. If you have a better/another one, please let me know. _________________________________________________________________

Document last updated on Thu Jun 28 15:09:39 CEST 2001