커널 해커를 위한 옵션입니다.
[*] Kernel debugging [ ] Debug high memory support (NEW) [ ] Debug memory allocations (NEW) [ ] Memory mapped I/O debugging (NEW) [ ] Magic SysRq key (NEW) [ ] Spinlock debugging (NEW) [ ] Verbose BUG() reporting (adds 70K) (NEW) |
[Y]로 설정할 경우 시스템이 심각한 문제가(craSheS) 있어도 통제할 수 있습니다. 예를 들면 시스템이 멈춘 상황에서도 버퍼 캐시를 디스크로 옮기고, 시스템을 리부트하거나 상태 정보를 표시할 수 있습니다. 이 기능은"<aLt>+<SysRQ>"를 누른 채 k, r, s 등 <command key>를 눌러 시작합니다. SysRQ 키가 없는 키보드는 PrtSc 키를 누르면 됩니다.
상위 메모리 시스템(high memory systems)에서 더 많은 에러를 점검하는 기능을 활성화합니다. 상용으로 판매하는 제품이라면 이 옵션을 사용하지 마세요.
Say Y here to have the kernel do limited verification on memory allocation as well as poisoning memory on free to catch use of freed memory.
Say Y here to get warned whenever an attempt is made to do I/O on obviously invalid addresses such as those generated when ioremap() calls are forgotten. Memory mapped I/O will go through an extra check to catch access to unmapped ISA addresses, an access method that can still be used by old drivers that are being ported from 2.0/2.2.
Say Y here and build SMP to catch missing spinlock initialization and certain other kinds of spinlock errors commonly made. This is best used in conjunction with the NMI watchdog so that spinlock deadlocks are also debuggable.
Say Y here to make BUG() panics output the file name and line number of the BUG call as well as the EIP and oops trace. This aids debugging but costs about 70-100K of memory.