Legal Notice
UNIX is a trademark of Univel.
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Copyright ⓒ 1994 Olaf Kirch
Kattreinstr. 38, 64295 Darmstadt, Germany
"The Linux Network Administrators' Guide" may be reproduced and distributed in whole or in
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- The copyright notice above and this permission notice musst be preserved complete on all complete or partial copies.
- Any translation or derivative work of "The Linux Network Administrators' Guide" must be approved by the author in writing before distribution.
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- Several Sections of this document are held under separate copyright. When these sections are comvered by a different copyright, the seperate copyright is noted. if you distribute "The Linux Network Administrator's Guide" in part, and that part is, in whole, covered under a seperate, noted copyright, the conditions of that copyright apply.
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번역본에 관한 법적권한
Copyright ⓒ 1998-2000 Chang Yun-sig
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