= KLDP 10th Anniversary Free/Open Source Software Conference =
http://kldp.org/files/mascot-with-string.png?align=left '''[KLDP]''' started as a small personal homepage covering basics of using linux in Oct 5th, 1996. It gradually evolved into Korean branch of LDP(Linux Documentation Project) as more and more people submitting their own documents and translations. Besides handling documentation, the service was expanded to forum, FreeSoftware, OpenSource project hosting as what OSTG is dong now. Now [KLDP] is one of the oldest and largest FreeSoftware, OpenSource user/developer community in Korea driven by volunteers.
This year 2006, we want to celebrate the 10th anniversary of KLDP by having this conference, a festival to enjoy together with any FreeSoftware, OpenSource lovers.
* Date: 13:00~22:00 September 17th, 2006 (Sunday)
* Venue: [http://www.centralcityseoul.co.kr/index.php?uid=56 Central City Convention (5F)] - Subway line 3/7 (Express Bus Terminal)
* Estimated Number of participants: 1000
* Sponsors: [http://www.software.or.kr Korea IT Industry Promotional Agency], [http://www.daum.net Daum Communications], [http://www.oracle.com/global/kr Oracle Korea], [http://www.windriver.co.kr WindRiver Korea], [http://www.kr.redhat.com Red Hat Korea], [http://www.hp.com/country/kr/ko/welcome.html HP Korea]
== Map & Directions ==
[[HTML()]] [attachment:cetnral5f.gif]
== Session ==
|| '''Time''' || '''Technical Track''' || '''F/OSS Track''' || '''Business Track''' || '''Free Track''' ||
|| 13:00 ~ 13:30 |||||||| '''Opening Session''' ||
|| 13:30 ~ 14:30 ||'''Advanced Debugging Technique''' [http://jhrogue.blogspot.com Jaeho Park] (Tech Writer, blogger) ||'''Introduction to KDE Project''' [http://wiki.kldp.org/wiki.php/jachin Sungjae Cho] (KDE i18n committer) || '''Issues in incorporating Open Source code into your product''' [http://kldp.org/user/3 Shawn Kwon] (Founder and leader of KLDP) ||<|5> '''RevolutionOS''' Movie ||
|| 14:30 ~ 15:30 ||'''Literate Programming with CWEB''' [http://hyunwuk.tistory.com Sujin Nam] (Member of Korea TeX User Group) ||'''A Success Story of Mozilla Project''' [http://channy.tistory.com Channy Yun] (Mozilla Korean Project leader) ||'''Mixing OpenSource into development process in your company''' [http://www.coolengineer.com Hojin Choi] (SubVersion committer) ||
|| 15:30 ~ 16:00 |||||| Break ||
|| 16:00 ~ 17:00 ||'''Programmming with Emacs''' [http://www.cinsk.org Seong-Kook Shin] (Maintainer of Korean C-FAQ) ||'''Experiences from being Open Source committer & mentoring Google SoC''' [http://www.iasandcb.pe.kr Changshin Lee] (Apache committer) ||'''Open Source and Google''' ([http://www.lyra.org/greg Greg Stein] (Chairman of ASF) ||
|| 17:00 ~ 18:00 ||'''Mobile Programming with Open Source''' [http://ooti.xtpn.com Younghwan Yong] ||'''How to contribute to the Open Source Projects''' [http://www.openlook.org Hye-Shik Chang] (Python and FreeBSD committer) || n/a ||
|| 18:00 ~ 21:30 |||||||| Dinner & BoF ||
|| 21:30 ~ 22:00 |||||||| Gift lottery & Closing ||
== BoF ==
* KLDP BoF, http://kldp.org/node/72377
* Annyung Linux BoF, http://www.oops.org/?notice-kldp10
* Gnome 2.16 Release Party [cwryu], http://gnome.or.kr/wiki/Gnome2.16BeerDay
* KTUG BoF, ''TeX, still alive ?'', http://www.ktug.or.kr/jsboard/read.php?table=ktugbd&no=5564
* Code BlahBlah, http://kldp.org/node/72578
* KDE Theme and Desktop BoF
* Mobile Programming BoF
* System Engineer BoF
* Pre-Firefox 2.0 Party
== How to Participate ==
* Admission is '''free''', but you can donate to a Korean subsidiary of [http://www.plan-international.org/ Plan] to help suffering children in the world. [http://www.plankorea.or.kr Plan Korea] will be at the registration desk with donation box. :-)
* If you donate 1000 Won(about $1) or above, you can get the conference proceeding and gift lottery coupon.
* You can register this conference on [http://kldp.org KLDP] User Preference.