AsteriskCD ¶mkdir centos-cd1 cd1 sudo mount /dev/cdrom centos-cd1 rsync -a centos-cd1/* cd1 cp centos-cd1/.discinfo cd1 sudo umount centos-cd1 cd ~ mkdir testdb rpm --initdb --dbpath $PWD/testdb rpm --test --dbpath $PWD/testdb -Uvh cd1/CentOS/RPMS/*.rpm cd cd1 createrepo --baseurl="media://1142383043.889895" -g CentOS/base/comps.xml CentOS/RPMS/ Note: Make sure the number in --baseurl corresponds to the first line in the file cd1/.discinfo. Should you have trouble with this command try using absolute path names. cd cd1 export PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/anaconda export PATH="$PATH:/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime" # Write CentOS/base/hdlist and hdlist2: genhdlist --hdlist /home/test/cd1/CentOS/base/hdlist --productpath CentOS /home/test/cd1 Note: Absolute path names are required for the command genhdlist to work properly. cd cd1 pkgorder /home/test/cd1 i386 CentOS > /home/test/cd1/pkgorder.txt pkgorder is only necessary if you're going to split up the tree onto more than one CD/DVD. genhdlist --withnumbers --fileorder /home/test/cd1/pkgorder.txt \ --hdlist /home/test/cd1/CentOS/base/hdlist --productpath CentOS /home/test/cd1 cd ~ mkisofs -R -J -T -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -V "sipX 3.4" \ -A "Created on 8/6/2006" -P "SIPfoundry" -p "SIPfoundry" -b isolinux/isolinux.bin \ -c isolinux/ -x "lost+found" -o sipx.iso cd1 Did you compose your tree manually? If so, you need to move all the rpms up a level into just Fedora/ and you need to get rid of the base/ directory. base/comps.xml was used by buildinstall to create the repodata, however now the compose tool needs to create the repodata before buildinstall is ran, and it has to reference a comps file wherever it is. createrepo will copy that file into the repodata/ directory. > So comps.xml is no longer used? The file in base/ is not used anymore. A comps file is still needed when you do createrepo, but that comps file can live in any location, even outside the tree. Createrepo makes a copy of it in the repodata/ directory in the tree and that is what is used by everything. * yum deplist nameofpkg
Let a fool hold his tongue and he will pass for a sage. |